I am about 2 weeks away from returning to work. Laura WenMei Kalafut was born on Feb 18th. She weighed 7lbs 6 ozs. She is 2 and half months old. In order to to alleviate the burden of not having family around and hence little to no help available. Jim and I decided that I would go home to Malaysia when she was 6 weeks old. That we did do. I am so glad that we traveled and were able to meet most of my family. Yes, it was difficult travelling with a little one but after actually doing so, it wasn’t so bad. Laura was an angel on the plane. Every step of the way we met people who helped us along. We’ve also had an extra seat on each leg of the trip.
My mum was so happy to meet Laura. She has trouble holding her for too long but loved to do so. I managed to get a couple of Thai massages in during the trip and that was heavenly. I also met up with some of my high school friends, some which I have not seen since Form 3. It was so nice to be able to catch up.